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Comhghairdeachas le Anne, Molly agus Kate a bhuaigh duaiseanna sa chomórtas scríbhneoireachta i mbliana eagraithe ag @ballydonoghuepm. Mile buíochas le @ballydonoghuepm as an deis a thabhairt dúinn páirt a ghlacadh ann. Congratulations to Anne Browne, Molly Linanne and Kate Doona.

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Pres Listowel is top of the league! Three secondary schools in Kerry had 100% of their Leaving Cert students progress to third level in 2024.
That’s according to data in the Irish Times Feeder Schools List for 2024. A great achievement & a credit to the dedication of our staff & commitment of our students.
Please see below link to article
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Best of luck to Abbie and Emma competing in the @scifest4stem National Final’s today. A fantastic achievement. @ceisttrust
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Díospóireacht an Phiarsaigh. D’éirigh thar barr leis an bhfoireann sóisearach agus sinsearach inné sa chéad babhta. Bhí an foireann soisearach i bhfabhar an rúin go bhfuilimid dallta ag soilse Hollywood and bhí an foireann sinsearach i bhfabhar an rúin go dtuigeann muintir na hÉireann fadhb na haeráide. Maith sibh a chailíní
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Congratulations to our two groups of TY students who won the STEM Passport for Inclusion competition and will proceed to the finals in February
what a fantastic achievement, well done to all TYs, every single student developed excellent projects. We are very proud of you all
@stempassport @stem_mtukerrycampus