Presentation Secondary School PRESENTS
Book Tickets NowMission Statement
What We Stand For
Ours is a Presentation secondary school, inspired by the vision of Nano Nagle, and in response to her we welcome and cherish all our students irrespective of ability or background.
We aim to develop a vibrant community of Pupils, Staff, Parents, Management, based on Gospel values such as justice, truth and honesty, in accordance with the ethos of the school and our agreed Code of Behaviour.
We aim to assist in the development of the full potential of each person in a pleasant and safe environment, where the dignity of each member of the School Community is recognised, affirmed and valued. Inspired by these values we dedicate ourselves to the continued development of our Presentation School.

State Examinations Orals 2025
Important Information Regarding Leaving Certifcate 2025 Please see below an...
Kerry Schools Badminton
Well done to our u14, u16 and u19 badminton teams who took part in the Kerry...
Comhghairdeachas le Anne, Molly agus Kate a bhuaigh duaiseanna sa chomórtas...
Pres Listowel is top of the league!
Pres Listowel is top of the league! Three secondary schools in Kerry had 100%...
Best of luck to Abbie and Emma competing in the @scifest4stem National Final’s...
Díospóireacht an Phiarsaigh.
Díospóireacht an Phiarsaigh. D'éirigh thar barr leis an bhfoireann sóisearach...