Presentation Secondary School
The school has the most up to date facilities. Besides 23 general classrooms we have the following fully equipped specialist rooms
Prayer Room
Careers Library
Art Room
Music Room
PE/Concert hall
Outdoor Courts
2 Science Laboratories
2 Home Economics Rooms
Design & Communication Graphics
2 Computer Rooms
Career/Counseling Waiting Area and Office
ASD Room
Hair Care Room
We aim at giving all our students an all-round education and therefore encourage where possible participation in extracurricular activities.
- Book Club/Library Group
- Science Club
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Football
- Soccer
- Chess Club
- Lunch time/after school Fitness session
- Trad Music Groups
- Music Session in the Music Room piano plus other instruments?
- Art Club
- Boards Game lunch time club
Our school canteen provides a variety of options to our students should they wish to purchase their lunch at school. We have placed extra seating outdoors so that the girls can eat their lunch outdoors when the
weather allows.
Transiton Year, Fifth and Sixth year students may go home or down town for lunch with permission from their parents. Permission Slips must be signed and submitted to your year head