Mission Statement
What We Stand For
Ours is a Presentation secondary school, inspired by the vision of Nano Nagle, and in response to her we welcome and cherish all our students irrespective of ability or background.
We aim to develop a vibrant community of Pupils, Staff, Parents, Management, based on Gospel values such as justice, truth and honesty, in accordance with the ethos of the school and our agreed Code of Behaviour.
We aim to assist in the development of the full potential of each person in a pleasant and safe environment, where the dignity of each member of the School Community is recognised, affirmed and valued. Inspired by these values we dedicate ourselves to the continued development of our Presentation School.
Summer Newsletter 2020
Here is the Presentation Secondary School Newsletter for Summer 2020 Download...
Christmas Newsletter 2019
Here is the Presentation Secondary School Christmas Newsletter for 2019...
Christmas Newsletter 2017
Here is the Presentation Secondary School Christmas Newsletter for 2017...
Summer Newsletter 2016
Here is the Presentation Secondary School Summer Newsletter for 2016 [button...
January Newsletter 2016
Here is the Presentation Secondary School January Newsletter for 2016 [button...
Summer Newsletter 2015
Here is the Presentation Secondary School Summer Newsletter for 2015 [button...
The 5th year LCVP students went on a visit out to the Lartigue Monorail. The...
Eurodesk Ireland European Youth Week Art Competition
KDYS Youth Information is delighted to announce that Maisie Somers was the...
French Language Scholarship
Best of luck to TY student Sinéad Kelly who was awarded a three month French...
Visit from Minister Foley for Leaving Cert Results
It really was a day to remember in Pres. Listowel as we celebrated outstanding...
Guidance for Schools on Leaving Certificate Results, Viewing and Appeals 2024
Please see below the link for the complete Guidance Document on 2024 Leaving...
Awards Night 2024
Congratulations to Aimie, Áine and Katie, winners at last weeks Awards night....